This hydrating water-gel sheet mask significantly boosts your skin’s moisture levels for an immediate glowing and plump appearance. Formulated to be profoundly clean, the mask nourishes your skin with a proprietary blend of Niacinamide, ProVitamin B5, Hyaluronic Acid, and Avocado Peptides. Fragrance-free, cruelty-free, vegan, and biodegradable.
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Profoundly Clean • Fragrance-Free • Cruelty-Free • Vegan
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"It’s convenient, sleek, affordable, and it works!"

"Helps even tone and smooth out fine lines"

"Holy grail of skincare devices"

"Really soothing to use"

"This is the beauty tool for you"

"Beautifully designed device at an unbeatable price"

"The five-minute session is very enjoyable"

"It’s ingenious"

"Super portable and convenient to use on the go"

"Facial from the comfort of your couch"

"The beauty tech gift to give this year"

"It’s convenient, sleek, affordable, and it works!"

"Helps even tone and smooth out fine lines"

"Holy grail of skincare devices"

"Really soothing to use"

"This is the beauty tool for you"

"Beautifully designed device at an unbeatable price"

"The five-minute session is very enjoyable"

"It’s ingenious"

"Super portable and convenient to use on the go"

"Facial from the comfort of your couch"

"The beauty tech gift to give this year"

"It’s convenient, sleek, affordable, and it works!"

"Helps even tone and smooth out fine lines"

"Holy grail of skincare devices"

"Really soothing to use"

"This is the beauty tool for you"

Approved by leadingestheticians, backed by science
"I've been specializing in microcurrent for 9 years and SolaWave is a great microcurrent tool you can use in the comfort of your own home"

Esthetician and founder of SB Skin Featured in Vogue, Elle, & Into the Gloss
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